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Free Ordination - Free Instant Online Ordination with Certificate


Welcome to The World Educational Seminary Institute

Doctorate Ordination Program

- With free Online Ordination -


NOTE:  You are being Ordianed and knighed by The World Educational Seminary Institute's Church Chancellor and Bishop. Your Doctor's Theological  Certificate will be mailed to you.


Ordination Buddhism

The tradition of the ordained monastic community (sangha) began with the Buddha, who established orders of monks and later of nuns. The procedure of ordination in Buddhism is laid down in the Vinaya and Patimokkha or Pratimoksha scriptures. There exist three intact ordination lineages nowadays in which one can receive an ordination according to the Buddha's teachings: Dharmaguptaka Lineage, Mulasarvastivadin Lineage, Theravada Lineage.


Ordination Christianity

Ordination (Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican churches) is one of the seven sacraments, variously called holy orders or cheirotonia.  Laying on of Hand, Apostolic succession is considered an essential and necessary concept for ordination, in the belief that all ordained clergy are ordained by bishops.


Ordination Islam

Muslims do not formally ordain religious leaders. Ordination is viewed as a distinct aspect of other religions and is rejected. Islam does not have a formal and separated clergy


At The University of Angel Fire Theological Seminary Instute, We grants ordination without regards to an individual's religious and spiritual beliefs. With our Free Online Ordination you will fully possess the legal status to officiate at marriages, perform baptisms, or preside over funerals and burials.


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